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Board of Health Minutes 06/17/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s

Wednesday, June 17th 2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:   Marina Lent (Secretary), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering),  David Zeilinger (General Manager, Homeport Restaurant)

Durst (21-17)  The Board approved a well permit application for a replacement well to be put in near the existing well, which is to be abandoned, contingent on receipt by the Board of a letter from the property owner acknowledging that the septic-to-well separation of 122’ is less than the 150’ separation called for by Chilmark regulations.

Moses (32-72) The Board approved a well permit application for a replacement well to be put in near the existing well, which is to be abandoned.

Abrams (18-23)  The Board received a request for a bedroom count on the property belonging to Pinto Abrams on 32 Wintergreen Way from an abutter who is unhappy with the volume of traffic on Wintergreen Way and is questioning a new structure on the Abrams property.  Mike Renahan reported that the structure in question appears to be on a trailer, and, if it remains on a trailer, it will require a tent permit which will be valid through the 2009 camping season.  The Board requested Marina Lent, if possible together with Building Inspector Lenny Jason, to visit the Abrams property and conduct a bedroom count.  

Weichert (4-13)  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering) presented a revised disposal works application.  The original plan, approved by the Board 3/4/2009, was for a system to serve the existing 3-bedroom dwelling and a proposed 2-bedroom guesthouse. The revised proposal calls for a 1-bedroom addition to the 3-bedroom dwelling as well as the proposed 2-bedroom guesthouse.  Flow capacity was increased to 695gpd, and the design now calls for a deep trench that will permit a gravity-flow system, rather than a pump.  The Board noted that 6 bedrooms is the cutoff for a 1,500 gallon tank and approved the revised plan.

Middle Line Road (13-43) well completion reports received for all but the final replacement well.  A well permit application was before the Board, calling for a replacement well 150’ from Site #2, in a higher-yield area.  The location of the new well is in proximity to the clay pit/wetland, and close to the road. The Board conveyed its concern to engineer Reid Silva that the well lines must be sufficient deep to avoid being impacted by roadwork in the future.  The Board approved the well permit application, stating that the water lines must be placed at least 6 feet below ground level.

Steiner (20-24) The Board took note of a minor plan revision to the tank location—no variance required.

Heilbron/Goldman (21-44&45)  as-built received.

6:01pm  PUBLIC HEARING   Wachsler (26-1)  The Board opened a public hearing on the variance requested by George Sourati for the Wachsler property at 12 Pease’s Point Way.  The variance is for a small, isolated wetland in the middle of the lot; distance of the Soil Absorption System to the wetland under the plan is 109’, rather than the 150’ called for by BOH regulations.  Following a site visit by Board of Health members Mike Renahan and Jan Buhrman, the Board noted that the wetland was not saturated, even though the water table is unusually high for this time of year.  In light of this fact and the determination of Chilmark Conservation Officer Russell Walton that the area does not qualify as a vernal pool under Chilmark Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Board approved the plan and variance as presented.

Littlefield (27.1-56)  Marina Lent reported that the only missing element in being able to issue the certificate of compliance was the signed copy of a maintenance contract between the owner and Wastewater Alternatives of New England.  The company has sent the contract to Leah Littlefield for signature.  The Board requested Marina Lent to follow up with Leah Littlefield as the system is not supposed to be in service without a certificate of compliance being issued.

Homeport (27.1-83)   David Zeilinger (General Manager) updated the Board on the operation of the Homeport Restaurant.  The Board inquired about an application for a Retail Store permit.  The Board stated that it would not approved opening a fish market at the Homeport, but felt it was likely that the permit was intended to enable the Homeport to purchase fish directly from the fishers.  David Zeilinger assured the Board that there was no intention of opening a fish market, and confirmed that the intent is to purchase fish “off the boats”.  

Mike Renahan noted that some migration of back door take-out business to the front porch is taking place, but that it appears to be relatively minor at this time; he suggested that the Homeport keep an eye on this.

David Zeilinger stated that the “back door” business is being presented to customers as take-out only.  He also introduced a new bicycle delivery service, which delivers meals to the take-out patrons at the Menemsha Beach following placement of order and payment at the back door.  This is being instituted in an effort to eliminate the “hang-around-and-wait” time in the Homeport parking lot.  It should help with traffic congestion, and even enables Menemsha Inn patrons and other nearby residents to dispense with a vehicle altogether.  The Board noted the need to manage transport time and temperature, and suggested that a time-log be kept to ensure prompt delivery.  David Zeilinger presented the insulated carrier that will be used to transport the food, and assured the Board that close attention will be paid to hot and cold holding of food.

The Board then discussed the problem of the large volume of trash which is generated at Menemsha, which is a considerable burden to the Town.  David Zeilinger suggested that the bicycle delivery could also stop by families previously served on the beach to pick up their trash where possible.  

Mike Renahan asked whether water meters were being monitored.  The water use of Menemsha Water Company users is monitored by the company, and records should be available from them.

Chilmark Flea Market: The Board advised Marina Lent to contact Anne Dietrich re: food sales at the Chilmark Flea Market.

2009 Flu Clinic  Marina Lent reported on a meeting of Island Health Agents with Bob Tonti and Sandra Corr-Dolby of VNA to address a number of issues including the Flu Clinic. The date for the 2009 Flu Clinic will be November 11th.  The meeting asked Marina Lent to organize EMT volunteers working at this year’s flu clinic.  Mike Renahan noted that work carried out for the Flu Clinic should in no way interfere with the fulfillment of ongoing responsibilities towards the BOH.

Regulation Revision:  The Board reviewed draft revisions to Section 3.04 Separation and Location and Section 3.05 Variances.  Suggested amendments were incorporated.

Vineyard Nursing Association (VNA) Contract for FY’10  Mike Renahan reported on his conversation with Nicole Barlett regarding the VNA Contract with Chilmark for FY’10.  The Board noted the need for oral health care and welcomed this addition to the program. The Board also felt that the home visits are very important and that any demand for such visits in Chilmark must be met.  It was noted that there may be more emphasis on flu vaccinations this coming fall due to the Swine Flu pandemic currently underway.  Katie Carroll mentioned that she was aware of a number of pending births in the Town and that she hoped that baby visits were sufficiently covered in the budget.  The Board unanimously approved  the VNA FY’10 contract as presented.

Seasonal Permit for commercial tight tanks  The Board reviewed a letter from Frank Fenner, owner of The Menemsha Galley restaurant, to consider a proposal for a seasonal pumpout permit for commercial tight tanks in Chilmark.  The Board felt that $15 was not an exorbitant fee for a pumpout permit, and that there was no compelling reason to provide a reduced rate for commercial tight tanks.  The Board requested Marina Lent to write a letter to this effect to Frank Fenner.

Cerick (7-11)   The Board approved a Tent Permit application for 32 Old Nursery Lane at 77 Bijah’s Way for the 2009 camping season.

Invoices  The Board approved the following invoices for payment:

·       MVRD landfill grass mowing FY’09 50/50%   $575.00

·       Marina Lent educational travel/accommodation expenses (Water Hydrology with New England Water Works Association, Holliston, MA, June 9 and 10 2009)   
                                                $ 85.90 milage,
                                                $ 82.28 hotel
                                                $168.18  TOTAL

·       MVRD Gas monitoring Q2, Water monitoring 1st half of 2009, Q2 2009 $ 2,266.39

The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.